Plan Details

Your healthcare coverage is important to us. Age, family status, medical conditions, hobbies, lifestyle and a myriad of other factors will help you determine if you need a lot or a very little amount of health coverage. This summary will help you understand your plan and its coverage.

You Can Set this Headline Now




Calendar Year Accumulation

Non-Embedded Deductible

Employee only










Non-Embedded Out-of-Pocket Maximum

Employee only








Recuro Telemedicine Services

100% Covered

100% Covered

Preventive Care

100% Covered

50% Coinsurance

Office Visits

Primary Services

Specialist Services

Chiropractic Services

Urgent Care Services


$30 Copay*

$75 Copay*

$75 Copay*

$50 Copay*


25%* After Deductible

25%* After Deductible

25%* After Deductible

25%* After Deductible


$300 Copay*

25%* After Deductible

Emergency Services

Emergency Room

Emergency Medical Transportation


$300 Copay*

0%* After Deductible


$300 Copay*

0%* After Deductible

Hospital Services

Inpatient Hospital Facility

Outpatient Surgery


0%* After Deductible

0%* After Deductible


25%* After Deductible

25%* After Deductible

Mental Health/Chemical Dependency




0%* After Deductible

$30 Copay*


25%* After Deductible

25%* After Deductible

Prescription Drug Coverage

Expanded Preventive Generic

Expanded Preventive Preferred Brand


Preferred brand

Non-preferred brand


Retail 30 Day Supply

$10 Copay

$25 Copay

$10 Copay

$25 Copay*

50% Coinsurance*

$150 Copay after Deductible

Mail Order 90 Day Supply

$20 Copay

$50 Copay

$20 Copay after Deductible

$50 Copay after Deductible

50% Coinsurance*

Not Available

* Coinsurance

Please refer to your Summary Plan Description for actual coverage, limitation, and exclusion provisions.

A Non-Embedded Deductible means that the family Deductible must be met before the Plan begins paying benefits that are subject to a Deductible

A Non-Embedded Out-of-Pocket maximum means that the family out-of-pocket maximum must be met before the Plan begins paying in full for all individuals.









If you prefer talking with a HealthEZ representative, call 855-255-7060